Wednesday, October 20, 2021

AP Exam Registration for fall and full year AP courses will has begun.

UPDATE: Just announced!  KDE is paying for a portion of all standard AP exams.  This announcement came after registration began.  Students will now only be required to pay $19 for each AP exam.  Free/Reduced students and AP CSP and AP CSA are $0.

Mrs. Burnham has visited all fall and full year AP classes this week to discuss the upcoming AP exam registration for fall and full year courses.  Registration for those AP exams will begin Monday 10/18 and run through November 8.  These courses include: AP Statistics, AP CSP, AP CSA, AP Psychology, AP US History, AP Art, AP Chemistry.  There will be a seperate registration for Spring AP courses. 

If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Burnham, 270-527-1453, 

This is the handout given during the informational session: